If you are interested in offering kits or completed Goat, Pig or Bug gliders, your efforts will be welcome. Mike Sandlin has put his drawings into the public domain and, according to his site, invites any quality commercial use and improvement.
AVIAD is an Italian company that produces components in aeronautical and retractable systems. They have developed the idea of Sandlin to make available in kit form the AVIAD MG12 ZIGOLO complete with everything including a motor powered floater independent with the possibility of disassembling engine for towing. See http://www.aviad.it/ http://www.aviad.it/nuovi-progetti_2536543.html https://www.facebook.com/www.aviad.it https://www.facebook.com/groups/239699219451850/?bookmark_t=group
Super Goat Gliders - Complete Goat based airchairs and kits for sale. They also are currently flying a model with a engine.